
Minggu, 12 Desember 2010

Menepuk Udara

Seperti menepuk udara, hampa.
Seperti berharap pada angin lalu. Sia-sia.
Seperti berbisik pada sepoi, tiada.

Saat suara-suara bergaung tanpa arah.
Mengggeser arti dan makna dari kata-kata.
Semua terpantul oleh dinding tebal tak bernyawa.

Dan aku terdampar dalam gelisah.
Terperangkap dalam sepi yang nyata.
Ketika kata memiliki terlalu banyak makna.
Dan ku tak tahu harus bagaimana.

Badai datang tiba-tiba.
Memporak-porandakan semuanya.
Kini tinggal aku sendiri dalam hampa.
Dalam rindu tak terkata....


Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Gula-Gula Kehidupan

Hidup itu seperti permen Nano Nano. Manis, asem, asin. Ramai rasanya. Cinta itu ibarat permen Poprock. Penuh kejutan, menyakitkan, tapi juga menyenangkan.

 Kesempatan itu mrip es krim Magnum, Lezat tapi tak boleh terlalu lama dibiarkan. Karena akan mencair, tersia-sia. Kesenangan hidup seperti gula. Enak dan dibutuhkan tapi jangan berlebihan. Karena akan merusak kesehatan.

Kehidupan itu seperti makanan. Berjuta aroma dan rasa. Ada yang enak, ada yang tidak. Ada yang panas, dingin atau hambar. Ada yang pedas, tawar atau tanpa rasa. Setiap orang punya persepsi dan kesenangan yang berbeda.

Hidup telah memberikanku gula-gula yang menyenangkan. Sushi dan wasabi yang 'menohok' tapi membuat ketagihan. Gado-gado yang multi sayuran dan menyehatkan. Rujak yang pedas menyegarkan. Atau eskrim yang manis, tapi juga dingin dan membekukan.

Kalau kemarin hidup memberiku cake strawberi yang manis masam. Lantas kemudian aku perih teriris pisau ketika meminta lebih. Sekarang aku belajar menahan diri dan tidak mudah kelaparan. Tidak mudah tergoda makanan. Tapu tidak berarti aku akan berhenti makan.

Kalau hidup ibarat makanan. Dan kehidupan seperti restaurant. Aku akan menjadi koki untuk makananku sendiri. aku ingin memberi makanan enak untuk lebih banyak orang.

Sepinggan Airport of Balikpapan, 4 December 2010

My Vanilla Ice Cream

Kamu itu seperti es krim. Manis, lembut dan membuatku ketagihan. Di saat yang sama membuatku lebih mudah dahaga dan kehausan.

Kamu itu ibarat es krim dingin yang menyegarkan. Memberiku sejuk di saat kepanasan. Tapi di waktu yang sama kau yang terlalu dingin, bisa membuatku beku dan kedinginan.
Kamu itu seperti es krim coklat yang disukai banyak orang. Mereka menyukaimu karena rasa coklatmu. Sedang aku, aku suka kamu bukan hanya karena lapisan coklatmu. Karena kutahu, kalau di dalamnya kau adalah es krim vanilla yang putih, datar tapi spesial.

I love my vanilla ice cream :)

*Tiba-tiba pingin makan Magnum*

Sepinggan Airport of Balikpapan, 4 December 2010

Angel and Demon

You're sweet, i like so many flavours.
You're white, i'm a million of colours.
You're cool, i could change my temperature.
You're calm, i can't keep my mouth n act n going over.

You're quiet, i love an adventure.
You're shy, i've too many confidence. Maybe over.
You're good, not bad. i'm in between.

You're straight, i'm so flexible.
You're not expressive, i'm over expressive.
You’re soft, I’m hard and thougher.
If u're an angel, i'm not a demon nor an angel.

We've so many differences. Basic, environment, live, world and way to enjoy and have a meaning of life. But we're same. We're the dreamer. I love you because your dream. Because you are you. Because of that, i wouldn't make my self as your burden. Because love isn't a burden. Love isn't a possesion. Love isn't an attention or tendention. Love just know how to give without any reason, exception or explanation. Because love is a gift from the God for human heart. to makes live more beautiful. I want to loving because of God. So there is will be no “burden”. 

i'll continue and enjoy my life. There's so many things i could and i must do to reach my own dreams.

Beauty in diversity..

Sepinggan Airport of Balikpapan, 4 December 2010

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

I Miss My Friend

I missed my friend. The one i feel comfort, believe n confided in. I missed my friend, who gaves me support and warmth my cold heart. I missed my friend, who could turn my ego and emotion down. I missed my friend whom i could talk and share about anything without any sensi or tendency. I missed that chatt, laugh and smile. I missed that time so much, when we're just a best friend. Before love getting in and almost ruin everything. I missed you so much my beloved friend..

It doesn't mean i'm regret about what we've made just in three months. I learn a lot of things. I feel so happy, even just in a short time. I thanks for everything. and sorry for everything i've done.

Whatever happened, you are still have a special place in my heart. As a friend, lover, soul mate or just a beautifull history from the past that i'll remember? I still don't know. Because we never know what will happen at the future, right?

"Could we are become a 'best friend' again after everything happens?"

I really missed my friend. Losing a best friend is harder than losing a lover...

I Missed My Friend

(Mark Nessler/Tom Shapiro/Tony Martin)

I miss the look of surrender in your eyes
The way your soft brown hair would fall
I miss the power of your kiss when we made love
But baby most of all

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with
The one who knew just what to say to make me laugh again
And let the light back in
I miss my friend

I miss the colors that you brought into my life
Your golden smile, those blue-green eyes
I miss your gentle voice in lonely times like now
Saying it'll be alright

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with
The one who knew just what to say to make me laugh again
And let the light back in
I miss my friend

I miss those times
I miss those nights
I even miss the silly fights
The making up
The morning talks
And those late afternoon walks

I miss my friend
The one my heart and soul confided in
The one I felt the safest with

Balikpapan, 1 December 2010

Welcome December

This November rain will be end. When the rainbow came? Will the sun smile tomorrow? Or November rain will be replaced with a cold December? I'm waiting for the spring came.. 

My November will be closed soon this year. Leave everything behind. There's no December before November end. There's never a start before the others end. Life is a start and over from one step to the others. And we must be a better person from one step to the next one.

I leave everything behind. It doesn't mean i forgot it all. I keep it as a memory and reference for a study. Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mysery, and today is a gift. Why we called it as 'a present'.

What i must do now is learning from the past. I want to re-born to be 'a better me'. I'll fight for a better future.
Keep fighting girl. Just believe that the God never leave you alone, even all the worlds gone.

Keep smilling and cheers. Chayoo!!

Welcome December.

Balikpapan, 30 November 2010